A Homeowner’s Guide To Saving Heat At Home

A Homeowner’s Guide to Saving Heat at Home

During the cold winter months, everyone is trying to find ways to feel warmer, but also save on heating costs. It sounds like a double-edged sword, but there are some ways you can save heat at home while still staying nice and cozy. Some simple tips include:

  • Layering up
  • Getting thick curtains
  • Putting plastic on the windows

But that’s not all; some homeowners close off vents or doors to unused rooms to try and guide the heat in the house elsewhere. But does closing off rooms save heat? Probably not. And it might even cost you more in the end. Read on to learn more heat-saving dos and don’ts!

Does Closing Off Rooms Save Heat? 🚪

does closing off rooms save heat ventilation helps heater

It somewhat makes sense to think that closing vents and closing the bedroom door could help divert heat elsewhere through your home, helping heat other areas without using more energy. But quite the opposite can happen.

If you’re closing supply vents in unused rooms, what’s actually happening is an increase of air pressure in your HVAC system. This added pressure actually makes your home’s HVAC system work harder to heat or cool the rest of the house. This is because your system is built to work based on size or square footage, and when you close air vents, it throws off that balance.

Something else that can happen from closed doors in interior rooms is a buildup of negative pressure. That room, closed off from the rest of the house, sucks in air from other rooms of the house, or even air from outside. This creates negative pressure which actually raises the temperature in that room while also preventing the air conditioning from working properly. This has the complete opposite intended effect, and we don’t recommend it. Keep your doors open during the day to maintain proper ventilation and airflow in the home.

Can Closing Air Vents Damage Your System? 🫣

Yes! As we said, your heating system is built to work a certain way, with a certain amount of ventilation and pressure. Prolonged use of closing doors or vents can:

  • Cause leaks in your HVAC systems
  • Make your system far less energy efficient
  • Increase energy use and cost
  • Make existing leaks worse
  • Lead to carbon monoxide leaks

So, keep those vents open at least 50% to prevent any issues.

7 Tips That Actually Save Heat at Home ❄️

If you really want to save on energy usage and energy costs, try these tips instead.

1) Add Weather Stripping to Your Windows

Weatherstripping is an easy and inexpensive way to help conserve heat in your home. It consists of foam, rubber, or metal strips that seal around the edges of windows and doors where air may leak out. This helps keep the warm air inside the house while also keeping cold air from getting in.

2) Use Thermal Window Curtains

Thick curtains are great for keeping out cold drafts and helping you maintain a comfortable temperature inside your home. Thermal window curtains are especially helpful as they block out the cold air while still allowing natural light to come in when you want. And in the summer, they can keep sunlight out, which causes your AC to work harder.

3) Install a Programmable Thermostat

does closing off rooms save heat utilizing programmable thermostat

You can install a programmable thermostat that will help lower your energy costs by allowing you to set different temperatures at different times of the day, like when people are at work or school or during the night. This way, you won’t need to run the heat 24/7 and will only be paying for what is needed.


4) Caulk Around Window and Door Trim 🪟

Caulking is a simple fix that can go a long way when it comes to reducing drafts and conserving heat. You will be sealing any gaps between the door or window trim and your walls, thus preventing cold air from getting in, and making them more energy efficient.

5) Regularly Change Your Air Filter

It’s important to regularly change your air filter, as a dirty filter can cause your system to work twice as hard. And if it is not working efficiently, you will be wasting energy and money. Your air filter should be replaced at least every three months or so, depending on the type of filter and how often it’s being used.

6) Keep Fans On

Ceiling fans are great for circulating the air in a room and helping maintain comfortable temperatures. In the winter, keep your fan blades running in a clockwise direction to help push warm air down and make it feel warmer. And in the summer, keep them running counter-clockwise to create a cool breeze.

7) Bundle Up! 🧥

We’re going to sound like the dad of the house when we say this, but bundling up with layers in the winter or snuggling up in a blanket allows you to turn the heat down, keeping your heating bills down but still keep you warm inside.

Overall, closing air vents can be damaging to your HVAC system, so it’s best to avoid doing this. However, if you are looking for a way to save energy and money on heating bills this winter, there are plenty of other ways that you can do that don’t involve interfering with your system!

Boost Energy EfficiencyWith the Help of Aquarius Home Services

At Aquarius Home Services, we are committed to helping you keep your home comfortable and energy efficient. We provide a wide range of services that can help cut down on your energy costs while still keeping your home warm and cozy. Our team of experts is here to answer all of your questions and provide solutions that fit your needs! Contact us today for all of your heating and cooling needs.

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